
Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Level Up?

Level Up is an online dental platform used to build up your team through training, and introduce business systemisation. On Level Up, you can draft your content (or use ours), assign it to your staff, and verify when it has been completed.

Does it come with preloaded systems or templates?

Yes! Our Marketplace contains 70+ pre-made skills and templates which are included in your subscription. Click HERE to see a full list!

How many users should I add?

We recommend adding all your staff onto Level Up, so that everyone can access your practices protocols, procedures and training. Consistency and accountability form the foundation of Level Up, and this works best when all your staff have their own accounts.

Can I add videos or pictures? Is there a limit?

Yes! You can add images and videos either as part of your content, or as attachments on Level Up.

Can I link to external sites?

Absolutely! You can link to any external site from your content on Level Up.

Are my practice systems confidential?

Definitely! Only users who you invite to your organisation will be able to access your practice’s content.

How do I get started?

After completing sign up, you’ll be given a guided tour through the software. If you need to access the tour again, simply click on the flag icon.

We also offer free training sessions for you and your team. You can sign up for that here.

Is there training available?

Yes! You will receive a free implementation session as part of your subscription. You will also have the option to sign up to a Team Development Workshop which occurs through a Google Meet.

You will also be able to access training through our guided product tours accessible through the flag icon on any Level Up page.
How long will implementation take?

Implementation can start on your first day

Here’s a quick guide to get started: 

  1. Invite your users 
  2. Assign them into groups 
  3. Browse Marketplace on your Explore page and import any bundles you like. 
  4. Have a team meeting to introduce Level Up and to allocate writing and editing of your skills. 
Does the software work for multiple locations?

Yes! Level Up can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, and you can have as many organisations as you would like on it

What are the top features for Level Up?

Use Level Up to completely systemise your business. Once you’ve written systems for all of the things your business does, you’ll have: ⁠⁠

Consistent Results ⁠⁠
⁠⁠Your patients will continue coming back because they get the same great experience every single time! ⁠⁠
More Time ⁠⁠
You’ll stop wasting time ‘doing things yourself’ because your staff will be empowered to learn for themselves using resources you and your team have created. ⁠⁠
Clarity in Role ⁠⁠
Your staff will have a clear understanding of what’s expected of them because it’s all laid out on their personalised training program located on their Level Up Grow page! ⁠⁠
Happy Staff ⁠⁠
When anxiety and frustration are replaced with clarity and a culture of learning, your staff will feel empowered, valued, and HAPPY to be there! ⁠⁠

How much does it cost?

Level Up is a subscription based service where you can choose to get billed annually or monthly.

The fees are $85 per month or $900 per year. If you select the annual option, you receive a $120 discount. 

Each subscription includes 25 users.

Do you have a cooling off period?

No, you cancel your subscription at any time.

What are the start-up costs?

There are no start-up costs. You only pay for the subscription.

How is payment taken?

We offer automated credit card payments charged monthly or yearly.

When is payment taken?

Upon subscription and charged monthly or annually depending on your subscription.

How do user increases/decreases affect billing?

You can always upgrade your plan to add additional users whenever you’d like.

Are there limits on the number of users?

No, there are no limits on the number of users.

How do I add new users?

You can add new users from the Users page of Level Up. You must be an admin to perform this action.

What is the turnaround time for getting ‘bugs’ fixed?

We aim to get the bug fixed as soon as we can. Sometimes this can take as little as an hour, other times it can take a few days.

How often do program updates go out and do you notify the customers?

We aim to push updates at least once a month. Users will be notified of any major updates through in-app messaging. 

How do you notify program updates?

We will notify you of any changes through in-app messaging. 

Is your solution 100% SaaS?


Is it fully cloud-based?

Yes. We utilise fully managed google cloud infrastructure located in Australia with redundancies in case of failures.

What are the system requirements needed for the program to run?

Any modern web browser.

Will you have a mobile app?

No, but Level Up is mobile friendly and can be accessed through the internet browser of your phone or tablet.

Is the software development performed in-house?

Yes, our development team is based in Sydney, Australia.

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