Is your staff reaching their full potential?

Written by principle-theorem

September 28, 2020

Is your staff reaching their full potential?
You know you’ve hired the right people for the job, and yet something’s telling you things could be better.

If your staff productivity levels have fizzled out – it might be time to do something about it.

Here are some tips to get you started:

It all starts with you.

Model good habits so they know what’s expected of them. If you’re stuck, I’d start with these:

  • follow through
  • be respectful of everyone’s time
  • stay positive.

Your staff look to you for guidance, and if you make it a point to model these, they will too.

Plan, plan, plan!

Encourage your staff to write a checklist of goals they want to accomplish that week. This will help set the tone for your week PLUS physically crossing off tasks in a checklist releases endorphins that will keep them motivated. When larger projects are completed, celebrate!

Provide training.

Whether they’re a new hire or someone who’s been with the team for a while, there should always be opportunity to learn. Teaching and learning is KEY to building high performing, high quality staff. Give them the tools they need to learn COMPETENTLY for themselves and from each other. Your staff should be encouraged to learn to further develop their skills within and even outside their role.

Inevitably, what you’re trying to achieve is a positive team that values each other and values the work they do. In doing this, you’ll shift your work culture into something much more meaningful: you’ll gain a positive group of individuals who work hard, understand their worth and are committed to working as a team.

If you’re stuck and don’t know where to start, Level Up can help!

Level Up is a tiered competency training software with a built in mentorship program. We can help you take your staff from where they are now, to the next level and beyond!

So what are you waiting for? Your staff need you! and we’re here to help. Just reach out if you need us.


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